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Fairwater Brewery

Theakston Old Peculier (MM)

BeerXml file: 2025-02-07-Theakston-Old-Pecuiler.xml

Vital statistics:

  • Type: All Grain
  • Brewer: Bryan
  • Style: Old Ale
  • Length: 20 litres
  • Yeast: West Yorkshire Ale (Wyeast Labs 1469)
  • OG: 1.059 SG
  • FG: 1.016 SG
  • ABV: 5.7 %
  • Colour: 60.9 EBC
  • Bitterness: 31.1 IBUs


Based on the OP recipe from the Malt Miller at I started with the recipe from Graham Wheeler's "Brew Your Own British Real Ale", but it seems like it's a little too simple a grist, so I decided to lean more in the Malt Miller direction. Using Bramling Cross as I a) have some in stock, and b) quite like the idea of a little blackcurrant in there. I also chose the Wyeast 1469 "West Yorkshire Ale" yeast, as it sounds about right (ok, Masham is North Yorks rather than West, but it's closer than Nottingham or Windsor!)


Name Colour (EBC) Amount (kg) %
Low Colour Golden Promise®™ (Simpsons) 4.4 4.1 74.7
Crystal, T50™ (Simpsons) 133.0 0.34 6.2
Torrefied Wheat (Crisp) 5.0 0.34 6.2
Chocolate Malt (Simpsons) 1183.5 0.142 2.6
Crystal, DRC® (Simpsons) 300.0 0.113 2.1
Black Malt (Simpsons) 1666.5 0.085 1.5
Lyle's Golden Syrup 0.0 0.23 4.2
Molasses 157.6 0.14 2.6


Name Alpha Form Amount (g) Time (mins)
Hallertau Magnum 14 Pellet 13 60
Bramling Cross 7 Leaf 21 15